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Available In-home and Online

Mindfulness for Kids

Mindfulness can be defined as "the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment by moment.” (John Kabat-Zinn) Mindfulness allows us to live a more balanced lifestyle by managing emotions and stressors in our lives. The benefits of mindfulness have been enjoyed by professional athletes, successful business leaders, and the everyday individual looking for a more stress-free and connected life experience.

At Hopkins Education Services we deliver functional mindfulness as related to education and learning.  With a mindful approach to learning, you develop a growth mindset and resiliency to overcome academic challenges.

Benefits of mindfulness education include:

  • improved sleep

  • relief from depressed feelings

  • enhanced athletic performance

  • improved grades

  • better focus at school

  • stress reduction

  • anxiety management

  • anger management

  • development of compassion and increased self-confidence

"I believe we have developed a program to enhance the quality of life of youth with ASD."

-Corey Hopkins M.Ed SpEd  


Mindfulness gives you an escape, a way to disconnect from the stresses of our tech heavy life.

Mindfulness in Sports

Mindfulness is a powerful tool used by successful athletes to reach championship levels.  Teams or individuals can reach their peak performance levels by building up their mental strength.  Hear it from NBA champion coach Phil Jackson and others:

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